seafood chowder dirty apron delhi

I had never been to this market. Never been to the Deer park in front of it. Yup, even after 15 years in the city, there are areas that are completely new to me. Anyway, there is this whole building with multiple restaurants that are with the same owner. So, you will still have to settle separate bills but you can hop between the lovely rooftop, the proper restaurant (Dirty Apron), an upcoming cake place and a live music with drinks place. Then, there is…Continue Reading “Dirty Apron, The Piano Man Jazz Club, Safdarjung Enclave Market”

dhaula kuan

Does he look down? Does he feel as surprised to see us below? Did he have vertigo as a kid? Does he still have it? Does he have thoughts of wearing a cape, jumping and flying?

evergreen dwarka delhi

The only Evergreen I knew was in GK. And, I had been there once in half a lifetime. Parking was always an issue and I avoided the place. My only recurring brush with the outlet were the sweets that someone or the other brought over. The kaju katlis were supposedly too good. I didn’t find them extraordinary. Anyway, they have a bigger outlet in Dwarka which has ample parking, during the mornings or when it is too sunny for people to come out. So, I…Continue Reading “Evergreen, Dwarka”

weekly market dwarka

A girl looks on as a pickle vendor sells his ware at a weekly market in Dwarka. The nature of weekly markets change so much from one area to another. The market surrounded by highrises will have completely different stuff from this one which was closer to a local village. These pickle vendors belong to that narrow category who can traverse both. There are many more that can’t – the cloth sellers, the five rupee cup and glass sellers, 3 for 20 chole bhature walas…Continue Reading “Weekly Market, Dwarka”

kylin premier delhi

I went there when the Dine Fest was on. Always seemed too expensive to me otherwise. During the Dine Fest, they had a fantastic menu for just Rs600 plus taxes per head. You could order 4 items, the portion sizes were smaller than regular, but more than enough for an average person and a steal for the price. The Dine Fest is over. So, why am I writing about it now? First, you can be alert when then next one comes. Second, the restaurant is…Continue Reading “Kylin Premier, Ambience Mall”


For the last few days, Kanhaiya and a fellow students photo has been doing the rounds. She is not a professor, but a fellow student. But why should one need to clarify? They are sitting close to each other. Almost touching. A man a woman, touching. Any scene that depicts a woman as a woman riles something up in a rightwinger. Something about those half pants that traps them in eternal boyhood, contorts their view to see a woman only as a mother or a…Continue Reading “Blame the half pants”

lama shop majnu ka tila delhi

All of us have different views about the tibetan colony. Some have been to the other one near Bus adda and think this is something similar and have never been here. Some go there for the beef, some will never go there because of the beef. I was there in 2001 for the first time as a student of the Delhi University. I was there recently after years. And, the place has changed. The restaurants are fancy, the streets are cleaner, there are cafes now…Continue Reading “Lama Shop, Majnu Ka Tila”

tea shop delhi noida

The corner tea shop. It is like a barometer of snacking habits. In odisha, every tea shop will have twenty glass bottles, each filed with a different kinds of local biscuits and cakes and rusks. I have never seen such well stocked tea shops anywhere else. In delhi, most such stalls are for cigarettes and chips. They dont even have tea. The tea shops have only samosa and bread pakoda. What do tea shops in your area sell?

taco bell delhi

Okay, somehow, it has come to occur that I have not written much about fast food places. I love fast food, I can’t have enough of them, I would love to eat burgers and fries all day long and die early. But, somehow, none of this has shown on the page. So, I am correcting that. I am confessing that I love Taco Bell. The place does not look like a fast food place, is never too crowded, is not bright but standard looking and…Continue Reading “Taco Bell, Vasant Kunj”


Pushpesh Pant – many on my friend list would already know how many times he has gone back and forth on origin of cheese debate in India. I don’t know his stand yet. Only a couple of months back, he spoke at a food and governance session – rabidly attacking the government and showing off his leftist badges. Then he got an award which at best was given to the oldest guy in the business. What most of us know and never say is his…Continue Reading “The slow cooked rightism of Pushpesh Pant”

women only liquor shop delhi

This theka is only for women. It’s in a mall in east delhi where every second outlet is a theka. The guy outside was shouting and pointing at his friend inside and the woman was looking back for instructions. A true theka for women should teach women not to take instructions from men!

just vada pav delhi

I am glad about the number of vada pav outlets that have opened in Delhi. And, they are good too. I wrote about the WoW vada pav recently. Then came across this small place in katwaria sarai. It’s on the main road, near the bus stop. The vada pavs are cheap, priced around 30 bucks, the two I tasted were very good and they have a dabeli on the menu too. The dabeli was not the kickass version that I had in Nagpur, it was…Continue Reading “Just Vada Pav, Katwaria Sarai”

bhelpuri guy north campus

Every campus has a few iconic places. Places that work as landmarks. The bhelpuri guy in front of Hindu College, now more towards DSE, is one such guy in North Campus of Delhi University. During my student years, there used to be another old man in front of Arts Faculty, dressed in spotless white kurta and pajama, he was favorite of the two bhelpuri guys in the campus. Now, there is only this one. The bhelpuri does not have the kick that I love in…Continue Reading “Bhelpuri vendor, North Campus, Delhi University”


Honestly speaking, I hate the idea of massive flags at universities. First, it sounds like measures of a desperate republic in identity crisis which we are not. Second, it will always be a reminder of the way it came to being enforced – through oppression, violence and as a measure of shaming students who have an opinion. Third, only the netas cars, houses and shirts and underwear are stamped with flags. We all know how well that has worked. The ones who are in doubt…Continue Reading “Why the idea of flags at universities is all wrong”

tom kha daichi south ex

Sometimes, you just don’t want to plan to go out. Sometimes, you don’t want to go to a new place. Sometimes, an old place would just do. Or, just the place that’s two steps away from where you are standing. And, we were standing in South Extension. The place has seen better days. No one goes there to eat anymore. So, it will unfair to ask you to. But if you are around, don’t open Zomato or drive anywhere else. There is this really old…Continue Reading “Daitchi, South Ex”


Don’t judge a book by its cover is a misguided statement. You see, a book cover is designed by professionals after intensive consultations with the publishers, writers and some close circle review. Not to judge a book by its cover is to discount all such efforts, to undermine such great effort. The same applies when it comes to people. Most of us judge people by their appearances and there is nothing wrong in that. Moreover, so many of us want to be identified by our looks. The…Continue Reading “A fervent, frothing at the mouth argument against selfies”

  • review

What are you doing on a Sunday evening? Surely, something infinitely more interesting. I am writing about a razor. But wait till I finish before you declare me vain. By the way, this post is strictly for men. By now, it must be evident that I like cheap things. I am absolutely delighted when the cheap thing is good too. So, when I saw this certain firang razor spend the amount of money they did on digital ads, claiming the stars and the moon, I…Continue Reading “My experience with online shopping:”
