Kathmandu – is it on your places to visit list?

Categories Travel

There was a time when Kathmandu was a hot travel destination. Some went for its sinful nightlife, casinos, pubs and compared it to Vegas. Some others went for the Hindu temples. Until a few years back, it beat Dubai as the cheapest shopping destination. Electronics, travel stuff, clothes, shoes and even guns, there was nothing that Indians could not find in Kathmandu.

Then it all stopped. The years of naxalite upheaval brought this cosmopolitan country to its knees. But many still swear by its charms. And, just like its unfortunate cousin across the border, Kashmir, it is bouncing back to life.

Sid was on a trip to the city few days back and swears by it too. As Indian outbound tourism has boomed in last few years, we have forgotten our own backyard. I am not the one to complain about it. The economy, flight rates, visa on arrival, advertising, exotic quotient, where your friends went last season – there are quite a few factors that decide where we travel.

Why go to Kerala when you can fly to Thailand for the same price? I heard many reason that way, but I don’t get the logic. Anyway, Sid took a few hours out and took these amazing pictures of the city, Kathmandu – where all the security guards come from. That was a joke, you know it!


temples in kathmandu

durar square nepal

pashupatinath temple in nepal

durar square nepal
