Every event. Same Presentation. Duh.

Categories Opinion
The weekend is here, so are weekend thoughts. Before you proceed, let me tell you that this post is not written to criticise anyone. It has only one goal – raise the level of discussions at events.
For years, I have been on both sides of events – inviting speakers and moderating and speaking. And, there is only principle – if you are carrying presentation that is not specifically made for that sessions, if you don’t have content that is curated as per the session title and agenda, you are being unfair to attendees.
Every event has multiple sessions and topics for a reason. People see that agenda and speaker list and register. They want to see those people talk about those specific issues. Answer these questions and you will see if you are being fair to your listeners or not:
1. Will you change your presentation and content if you are moved from one session to another?
2. Are you speaking only of what your company does, no matter what session you are in?
3. People come to listen to you as a person, as an entreprenuer, as a doer. Are you sharing your insights and views or are you just trying to sell?
There is a reason why so many people have event fatigue. Events have become predictable. Next time, dont carry a predictable presentation. Carry the variable you and your wisdom.