The biggest victim of them all

Categories Midnight City

The pent up anger in upper caste Hindu men that comes from perennially feeling like victims is the force behind the rise of Hindutva.

Dalits have it better. Earlier they used to clean our toilets, now MNREGA has made them rich. They won’t work our fields, someone had said.

The anti dalit violence took a radical new turn after Dalits started to do marginally better.

Muslims have it better. In a country where police, state, society and economy works against the minorities, it doesn’t take long for upper castes to spout how they are the victims.

Thousands of years of privilege and near constant victimhood makes upper caste Hindu men the most dangerous sorts there are. Just like Trumpian white trash.

The violence and justification for violence that comes from people of privilege is unparalleled in its ruthlessness.

As the country sinks deeper and deeper and we all wonder how did this happen, look around at the most privileged upper caste men around you.

You will find the answers in their self pitying hearts.

That anger lynches Dalits and Muslims, auctions muslim girls and still maintains the impenetrable facade of victimhood.
