The things you make fun of are born as your child. That’s an old Hawaiian saying even if I just made it up.
I always scoffed at the idea of puri and aamras. So, after walking out of Britannia, full to the brim and 90% humidity killing all appetite, we see this interesting vegetarian place. We stand at the door, pressing our bellies to see if there is some space and just oogling at the tables and people who were eating.
We stood long enough for the servers to notice us and stare back in curiosity. We entered, just to show that we have money and we are not street urchins. And, we ordered a puri and aamras. Given that the menu was cheaper than Delhi streetfood, we could order the whole menu and leave an equal amount as tip. But, we were full.
The aamras instantly transports you to Katrinaland and you see why she was making all those expressions while mouthing aamsutra. You totally got it girl. Aam is more potent than that pavement driver.
Anyway, if you are going to Britannia, stop here for a little something. This is just three doors down.