My friend and guest blogger Siddhartha Kumar just sent me another installment – this time the Mumbai Sea Link. His Old Delhi pics were very popular, I am sure you will love these ones too.
It’s not an art installation, it’s a bridge. It takes a while to realise that even concrete and steel can be so beautiful.
I have stayed at the Taj Land’s End a couple of times. Each time, I will go till the end of the corridor where a window overlooks the sealink. I used to sit there for hours and be amazed that we built it.
I was reading about the Mumbai sealink somewhere and in the comments section, a reader was complaining about the lack of pedestrian lane on the bridge. Come to think of it, most of the major bridges have walking lanes, as much for utility as for tourism purposes. The downside being the suicides – Golden Gate bridge is the second most common suicide spot in the world. The pacific side of the bridge had to be closed for pedestrians as a result of the deaths.
If you decide to jump from the Mumbai Sealink, you will have to take a taxi there. Please pay the poor guy before you jump.
They just take you to another world, don’t they? So, how does photographing compare to painting as an art form?