The miracle of two headed Real Fruit Juice carton

Categories Food

On a recent trip to the mall, I came across this Real Fruit Juice carton with two heads.

two headed real fruit juice carton

What’s the big deal, you will think, but I have seen enough manufacturing process videos to know that this was no less than a miracle. All the cartons are vertically stacked on a conveyor belt, so there is no chance that one of the boxes can be horizontal. And they are all laser cut, so still less chances of error. Here are a couple of helpful videos.

Skip to 5 minutes in the first and 6.25 minutes in the second, that’s when the action starts.

If you still get the seriousness of the matter, imagine your iPhone with two home buttons, sedan with 5 doors and barbie doll with 3 hands. Now, do you get it?

