Autos demand a certain upper and lower body ratio that I don’t have. The lack of shock absorbers means my spine is constantly playing relay back and forth, back and forth.
If you have longer legs, you can’t put both feet on the floor. One stays on the floor with thigh at the right angle. Perfect to absorb shocks.
The other leg lies at a queer angle. Vibrating with the machine. Like a seismograph.
Your upper body sways like Jagannath during pahundi jatra. The same energy that flows through joyous madness of the lord among his bhakts extends to your body. Same energy. Very different sentiments.
Your hands are like those of the orangutan. Too long. Too useless. You plant them on the seat for support. You rest them on the bars in front for leverage.
You use your hands to hold the phone and type this as the whole body sways and the legs are crossed in a classical dancer’s pose.