Odd even rule in Delhi: A review of carpool apps

Categories Delhi

Today was the first Monday of the Delhi Odd Even rule and I tried everything to dodge the bullet. Though, it has been going wonderfully well so far – been on a long weekend off and never got out of the house. The city has been behaving alright too, not too many violations, the transport infrastructure has not come crashing. There is but one disappointment. The carpool apps have not really taken off.

I decided to try a few and started with the Orahi app. Sent five requests for today morning, didn’t get a single response.

orahi app review

Tried the Ibibo Ryde next. Good interface but not many people on it. Sent a request, same result.

ibibo ryde review

The govt backed Poocho app wants my adhar card and front and back of my ID card. Never went beyond the first screen.

poocho app review

The app that some delhi wonder boy created needs a car number to register. What if I am a passenger!!

Anyone having better luck?
